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Walk This Way To Sharper Focus & Bright Eyes (7 ways)

Want to have a sharper focus, and relieve your eye strain? Try “walk this way’ habits for bright eyes and alertness.

woman tired needing sharper focus and bright eyes
Feeling like your eyes have been working overtime?

7 ways to step away from the ordinary and welcome the extraordinary.

Juggling work, social life, and a never-ending stream of emails can leave you feeling mentally foggy and your eyes strained. We all know the struggle of maintaining focus and battling eye fatigue on a daily basis. But what if there were ways to boost your concentration and keep your eyes feeling refreshed, beyond the usual cup of coffee? Let’s “walk this way” towards a sharper you with some unconventional yet effective methods.

Bright eyes, sharper focus
Look at a distant to help you focus

1. Become a Window Detective

When walking isn’t an option, rather than mindlessly scrolling through your phone during breaks, transform yourself into a “window detective.” Find a window with a view, preferably of nature, and spend 5-10 minutes actively observing the scene. People watching is another way as the movement of people passing exercise your eyes. Watching car moving in traffic has the same effect.

If you’re into plants, a small aquarium on your desk is nice. Watching fish swim around will give your eyes a break. Another one is terrarium, just looking at what’s inside will give your eyes a change of scenery. This “soft focus” exercise not only allowing your eyes to rest from close-up screens but also improves your ability to concentrate later.

chewing gum for sharper focus
Chewing gum may help you to concentrate

2. The chewing gum challenge

This might sound strange, but studies suggest that chewing specific types of gum can enhance alertness and focus. Choose a sugar-free gum with ingredients like peppermint or spearmint, as these have been shown to improve cognitive function. Chewing for 10-15 minutes can stimulate the brain and improve blood flow, leading to sharper focus and potentially even brighter eyes due to increased circulation.

cold towel compress
A cold compress on your face may promote a sense of alertness and energy.

3. The cold shoulder (Technique)

Ever feel your brain overheating from information overload? Here’s a quick “walk this way” hack – a cold compress for your face! Apply a cold compress, wrapped in a thin towel, to your forehead and cheekbones for a minute or two. The cool temperature can help improve alertness and focus, similar to splashing cold water on your face. While it might feel unconventional, it can be a revitalizing way to break the monotony and boost your cognitive function.

walk to nature
Allow your mind to rest and reset

4. Interval Walks

Experiment with interval walking by alternating between periods of brisk walking and slower, more relaxed walking. This variation in pace can not only invigorate your body and mind, but also increase alertness, boost focus, and leave you with a sense of bright eyes and a clear head.

Watching either the sunrise or the sunset can be a beneficial practice for improving focus, clarity, and overall well-being

5. Watching Sunrise and Sunset

Watching the sunrise or sunset can provide a soothing visual experience, allowing your eyes to relax from the strain of artificial indoor lighting and digital screens. This relaxation can help reduce eye fatigue and improve sharper focus over time.

rhythmic walk
Engaging your senses can help anchor your attention

6. The Rhythm Walk: Sync Your Brainwaves with Movement

Here’s a “Walk This Way” approach that incorporates music! Put on your headphones and choose upbeat music with a strong, steady rhythm. As you walk, synchronize your steps with the beat. This rhythmic walking can actually help synchronize your brainwaves, promoting focus and alertness. Research suggests this can be even more effective if you choose music with specific tempos – try upbeat music between 120-140 bpm for enhanced focus.

lemon bath recipe
The refreshing scent of lemon might improve your mood

7. Citrus Bath

While there’s no scientific evidence to suggest a lemon bath directly improves focus, lemons and citrus fruits are known for their refreshing scent. Certain studies suggest that citrus aromas can improve your mood, boost alertness, and contribute to a greater sense of well-being. While not a direct fix for focus, a lemon bath might be a delightful way to unwind and create a more positive atmosphere, promoting a path towards blissful wellness.

Bonus Tips

Track Your Walk This Way Journey:

Keep a simple journal to track the impact of your “Walk This Way” walks. Note down the type of walk (curiosity, rhythm, acupressure), the duration, and how you felt afterward. Or, use a focus timer app to monitor your concentration and keep an eye strain diary to identify triggers.

  • Did your focus improve?
  • Did your eyes feel refreshed?

Over time, this journal will help you identify the methods that work best for you.

Make these “Walk This Way” habit a regular part of your routine and experience the difference for yourself. Who knows, you might just find that your sharpest focus and brightest eyes come from the most unexpected places or activity. Give them a try and see how much sharper your focus and brighter your eyes can be!

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